Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday funnies

LMAO! this poor kitty has the pissivity-of-pissed off faces i've ever seen!
it's like he/she is saying: "be VERY VERY afraid, because when i see you i'mma FUCK YOU UP for making me wear this fucked up lime for a fucking hat you fucktard!
and what's with the spirit gum on my whiskers? oh great, i look like fucking Mew Manchu. all the 9-lives in the world will NOT make up for the humiliation you turdsnappers have done to me. i curse each and every one of you! *hisssssssssssssssssssssss*

and now back to our regularly scheduled programming........


Gigglezngrinz said...

OMG - Poor Kitty!!!

dissok said...

If looks could kill!!! LMAO

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Turdsnappers!!! I love it!

Maggs said...

Isn't that the cutest?

Sandi K said...

I feel like that cat right now.

Dawn said...

LOL-thats too funny. for the cat-not so much

mizeeyore said...

Gigglez: poor kitty indeed LOL

Kym: girl, you aint never lied LOL

James: ROFL feel free to use the word anytime you like!

Maggs: yes it is.

Squid: ROFL!

MsP: me too girl LOL

Dawn: yeah. whoever did that was just WRONG lol