Monday, November 21, 2005

The Bernard Pivot Questionnaire (Dan, i hope you dont mind my borrowing this from you)

(Yes, this is the Bernard Pivot questionnaire James Lipton uses on "Inside The Actor's Studio")

What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?
Poetry, art, music; knowing that the Creator loves me regardless; the love of my children.

What turns you off?
Ignorance, prejudice, stereotypes.

What is your favorite curse word?
Punk-ass muthafucka i.e., "you's a punk-ass muthafucka"

What sound or noise do you love?

What sound or noise do you hate?
Nails scratching on blackboards *shudder*; too many muthafuckas talking all at once...makes my head wanna explode!

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Probably writing. Or having my own "Apprentice" j/k

What profession would you NOT like to do?
Nursing. Never, EVER, EVER again!

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
You can enter my Child, but you got some 'splaining to do......


jane said...

Hi Mizeeyore,
Thank you for your kind words on my blog, I appreciate your prayers more than you may know.
I've added you to my Bloglines, because while I can't read it as I'd like tonight, I do want to read your blog. So, I'll be back.

Also, just wanted to invite you to join our bipolar webring if you're interested. If you want info to join, go to:

Hope you'll consider it.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

"You can enter my Child, but you got some 'splaining to do......"

hahahaha! You crack me up Miz Thang! Hey, I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. I didn't get on my computer much over the holiday. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I'm sorry to hear about your financial troubles. *HUG*

You are a wonderful person. Things are bound to get better for ya!!! You are in my prayers.