Saturday, September 24, 2005

pdoc visit yesterday

had pdoc appointment yesterday. though i was late getting there, he was even later than i was. i have no idea why he schedules most of his patients at the same time and then runs around like a scalded cat trying to see everybody all at once. but then i forgot he works at another hospital's psych unit.

anyway. i told him that since he increased the meds the psychotic features have subsided a bit. i'm not dissociating hardly at all, nor am i hearing voices or seeing things whiz by the corner of my eye. in fact, i'm for the most part, i guess i'm devoid of feeling, altho i still have my sense of humor, albeit cracked and warped as it is. so i see Dr G (my T) again this coming tuesday, and this time i told him i wanted a late afternoon appointment, and he gave me 3pm which is fine for me. i see Dr M (the pdoc) again on the 21st of next month. Dr M asked me if i needed meds and i told him i did, so he gave me enough samples of Zoloft 50mg tabs and Seroquel 200mg tabs to hold me over for a while.

for those of y'all who cant afford your meds like Zoloft, Seroquel, Cymbalta, and others, if you have a pdoc you should ask if him/her have samples to give you so that you dont get to that "omigod-i-have-ONE-pill-left!" moment. believe me it aint no fun, cus i've been there. also if you have a computer (and i'm sure most of you do, cuz i've read some of your blogs *wink*) you can go directly to the med's websites:

Seroquel: Zoloft: Cymbalta:
Risperdal: Paxil:
Effexor:, Wellbutrin/WellbutrinXL:

these sites have programs with the makers of the drugs to assist patients who cant afford or have no insurance to get their medications. hope these sites are helpful. unfortunately, Klonopin doesnt have its own website, but i take a generic version of Klonopin which is the meds' actual name Clonazepam and i dont have to make a co-pay for it, unlike the $3 co-pay Medicaid asks for Seroquel and Zoloft. also you can go to for more information about which med companies offer assistance.

hope everyone's weekend is pleasant and peaceful.


Anonymous said...

Great Links!

I'm sure you will help a lot of people by informing them that they can get financial help if they need it for these meds.

Thank God - my husband has health insurance, or I don't know what I'd do! The meds are so expensive!

It's sad that medical care has to cost so darn much.

Lisa said...

A sense of humor is always a good be it cracked and warped.

mosiacmind said...

Thanks for the sites to check out about meds.Life is very very tough for me with s.i.'s (NO PLAN)and then life throws one some curves not trying to dish my shit on your blog just saying that to say that it really helps to know that there are people out there who get it.

Anonymous said...

My name is Judith Haven and i would like to show you my personal experience with Effexor.

I am 37 years old. Have been on Effexor for at least 1 years now. As soon as I was on the beginning dose I could feel releave from my anxiety. My family life is so much better. My kids notice it. They applaud my for taking the side affects for a better live with them. No explosive episode any more.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Nightsweats, I have twitches if I forget a dose.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Judith Haven

Effexor Prescription Information

David Smith said...

These antidepressant drugs has a lot of side effects, so it`s better to avoid them (the source here )
I read some blogs about people who stop taking Zoloft and start a healthy life with a lot of sport and healthy food.
I can`t understand why doctors prescribe these drugs?
Best regards,