Tuesday, February 07, 2006

pain pain go away

well, i made a medical doctor appointment for the 13th at 1:15pm. i have been having a lot of pain, numbness and tingling in my right knee and leg lately and it has now become extremely difficult to walk, even with my cane. going up and down these stairs is virtually impossible now, and i guess a scooter chair will probably be the next thing i wind up getting -- the only problem is my building is not disabled-friendly and i live on a fucking 3rd floor. *sigh*

i have a question to y'all...have any of you ever experienced "brain shivers" -- a feeling in your head like you've been zapped with a Taser? i have and it made my hair hurt -- dont laugh, it's true. it's like my hair follicles went numb all of a sudden. not to mention the numbness and "pins and needles" sensation in the first four fingers of each of my hands. yeah i know it sound like carpal tunnel, and i have a brace i wear on my right hand, but even with the brace my fingers still numb up. sometimes i can't type or even write because my first four fingers (thumb, index, middle and ring) feel like an electric current has run thru them and at night it's still bad.

i cannot stand for long periods of time anymore without the feeling that my legs are gonna "give way" or buckle. i ache in EVERY joint and muscle, and i'm tired all the time. i think i even grind my teeth in my sleep because i've woken up with one side of my jaw hurting. and i feel like i've gone 20 rounds with Mike Tyson.

i looked up some of the symptoms i've been having and a lot of them are like the beginnings of MS (multiple sclerosis), especially the tingling and numbness in my lower extremeties. when i see the doc i will ask her for a neuro exam, as well as have blood work done too.

great. first i lose my damn mind, now my body is short-circuiting. oh well. it's the hand i've been dealt so i may as well play it. i know now for sure going back to doing what i did before is totally out of the question. i know my body...being on my feet for 8 hours every day is gone for good. hell, i can barely walk down the damn street to the bus stop, and getting on and off buses that dont have either a hydraulic lift or step is a painful feat. i've called our public transportation company and asked them to send me an application for their door-to-door service for disabled patients. it's called a Paratransit Program, where they have special needs vehicles that will pick you up and take you to wherever you have to go for a small fee. so i guess my bus riding days are coming to a screeching halt too. whatever. if i am approved for the Paratransit Program, i will be able to go to my T and P-doc appointments without having to do a lot of walking.

thursday i see my T. i already know i'm in for a painful hike to the bus stop and back. oh well. shit happens.


Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Those brain shivers sound aweful. I don't really have those but I do get full body aches and radiate for sometimes an hour at a time. I hope that you do not have MS but no matter what we will be here for you.

I'm glad you have an opition for greater mobility with the paratransit service.


Joel said...

Write down all your symptoms especially the ones that freeze your fingers. Call your psychiatrist to inquire about medication dosages. Go to drugs.com and enter every medication you take. Ask the doctor to do blood work for arthritis and ask for a referral to a neurologist. Act proactively and don't take no for an answer until you find out what is happening.

mizeeyore said...

James: thank you babe. i can always count on you for your positive words (((((((((((James)))))))))))))

Joel: oh dont worry! i have written down EVERYTHING i've been feeling for the past two weeks and i will definitely ask the doc for blood work and a neuro consult. i am a firm believer in being proactive with one's health *smile* -- hey, i served 11 years in the lowliest part of nursing so i definitely believe in being one's own advocate! thank you so much for your kindness and concern too ((((((((((((Joel)))))))))))))))

Spiritual Emergency said...

Hmmm. Some of your symptoms reminds me of this page on kundalini awakenings... Shared Transformations. You'll have to take a look and decide if it fits for you.

Miss Defective said...

I hope it's not MS. I used to work with someone that was beginning to develop that and it wasn't anything I'd want to see you go thru. But like James said, no matter what it is, we'll be here for you. Please keep us posted.

CastorFache said...

Brain Zaps suck...I had 'em something nasty after I stopped taking Effexor a couple of years back. I also got ticks and numbies. I felt like I had suddenly developed tourettes or something.

I agree with joel...you should chat with your docs about this and it may be a meds issue.

Joel said...

Arthritis is not a kundalini awakening, spiritual emergency. It hurts like hell.

Stop romanticizing the illness because you only make others feel worse.

SOrry, mize, but there is a certain brand of faux spirituality that sets me off every time and I tell 'em off every time.