Thursday, February 02, 2006

I'M BAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hello hello hello everybody!!!!!! the old bag of bones is back! i want to thank all of you who left comments to my last post --- due to circumstances beyond my control um, oh hell, lemme just keep it real here - i had a past due cable/internet bill annnnnnnnd, when said bill is past due, well, one has "servicus interruptus". so i was without Internet service -ggrrrrr. now that i have paid said past due bill, i's back fulla piss and vinegar LOL

i've really missed y'all and from the number of comments left on my last post, i see y'all missed me too...awwwwwwwwwwwwwww you all are so kind and so sweet and I LOVE EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HUGS TO ALL OF YOU (((((((((((((((((((((((((BLOGGIES))))))))))))))))))))))))))

on the real side, i'm humbled that y'all thought about me. i almost wound up in the hospital because i was so depressed i had thought about s*icide. but, thank the Creator those thoughts have passed and emotionally, i'm feeling better...however, this damn right knee is REALLY givin me hell. now i have to walk around the house WITH MY DAMN CANE -grrrrrrrrrrrr.

but nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-eways, i'm glad to be back in Blogland and again a huge THANK YOU to all my Blogger friends for thinking of me. y'all gon' make me cry now.......

BTW -- that damn groundhog saw his shadow so i guess that means 6 more weeks of winter *sigh* well, at least here *knock wood* the weather has been relatively mild, but i aint holdin' my breath LOL

also, i finally got around to straightening up my house and i must say it looks WAY better than it did - yay me! i guess it's true what they say - your environment reflects how you feel and as i said, i had been feeling pretty shitty, but my oldest daughter had came over this past weekend and gave me a heart-to-heart motivational talk which i needed. she said she was beginning to worry about me just sitting in the dark and in one spot and said that she knew that wasnt the the "real" me. and it wasnt. so the next day, i was a cleaning fool, yes indeed. i went from the
living room to the bathroom, and the next day, tackled the kitchen. so now i feel like i actually live here LOL

went grocery shopping yesterday and got the cupboards nice and full, even with this bum knee. my youngest went with me, and was a huge help and when we got home, her b/f came and took
the groceries upstairs while i hobbled albeit painfully up them hard-ass concrete stairs. i summoned up some energy to cook some chicken wings and finally flopped down on my bed and in the midst of watching "Law & Order SVU" rerun, and after taking my meds, i was down for the count. prior to that, i watched MTV's "Movies That Rock" and "The Temptations" movie was on. i love that movie, because it gives account of how the Temps got started and their rise to fame when they became Motown stars.

well this is enough blabbing for today. i will holla atcha tomorrow. this right knee is killing me and i gotta lie down for a bit.

much much MUCH LOVE to all of you.

XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nicole said...

We missed you Miz E! I wanted to call you but my phone is shut off! Go figure!


Joel said...

Whew! I was going to organize a search and rescue team!

The Groundhog saw his shadow? Great! We need the rain!

mrshellonheels said...

woohoooo your back!! I missed you and was worrying!

dan said...

See, although you being internet-less gives us unabashed worries, it does increase the frequency of housework.

That seems like a poor trade.

mizeeyore said...

Princess: awww you're a sweety! i missed you too!

Joel: LOL you can call off the search, i'm back and here to stay!

MrsHOH: awwww, you're so sweet. not to worry, i'm not goin nowhere!

Squid: ROFL no, no killing spree for me, and i promise to keep my scripts filled and my bill paid!

Dan; ROFL yeah no kiddin'!

VIMH: thank you hon! i'm glad to be back too! hugs backatcha