Tuesday, January 17, 2006

old man winter is back

well, those balmy temperatures of 55 and 60 degrees are gone today. it's just the way i like it outside...cold, dreary and gloomy. i actually feel better knowing it's like that outside; kinda gives me a comforting feeling. it was snowing earlier, and as much as i hate snow, this time i was excited about it. it didnt stick, but by this being Chicago, i know it will be back. we never escape January's bitter temperatures and/or snow. so those folks who were wearing their leather or denim jackets are gonna have to put em up--old man winter is back in full force.

luckily i have nowhere to go until the 27th (i thought it was the 24th *duh!*) to my pdoc appointment. this is good sleeping weather, and if it werent for the fact that i would be up all night, i would go and take a nap right now. oh, i almost forgot to mention i had Scootie Bug for a few minutes while his mommy had to make a run. he's toddling along in his walker now and he's crawling *smile*. he will be 1 year old next month on the 27th. he is such a lil cutie. when he smiles, my heart melts. i guess, i'm getting the "i wanna be a grandma" bug, and oddly enough, my oldest daughter is getting the "i wanna be a mommy" bug lol. and she knows if she had a baby he/she would be spoiled rotten. oh well, all good things in time.

*sigh* anyway, from what i saw on my desktop weather, it's gonna be in the low 30s to middle 40s, and drop down in the 20s later on in the evening.

yep. old man winter is gonna hang around for a while. i just hate when summer comes...yuck. i'd rather be wrapped up in my heavy coat in the cold than being outside melting in 90 plus degree weather.

oh well.


mrshellonheels said...

I hate winter with a passion. There isn't one thing I like about freezing my ass off. As soon as the weather starts to change, my bones start to hurt. I can't wait until I can move to a HOT HOT HOT State..by the ocean! : )

mizeeyore said...

MrsHOH: you go girl...maybe you might see some niiiiiice eye candy *wink* LOL

Joel said...

It's in the upper fifties here -- clouds overhead but none of the promised rain.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

I'm down with the hot local too. I use to like winter until I lived in Africa. Now I want to move to the Mother Country for good!!

dan said...

Well, seeing it snow in Mpls yesterday I could have told you it was going to snow there soon...

Most of ours has stayed though because it is a might chilly.

You're not alone. I love this weather too.

Polar Bear said...

yeah, I'll take winter over summer anyday. It's summer over where I'm at, at the moment. I hate it. Long days (feels like never ending days) - where it's bright for like forever (till 9pm at least).

I like winter, and bundling up.

Marie said...

Genelle, just a little note to say hello. I have not forgotten about you or the rest of my blog friends. I hope to post something this evening. Take care of you.

dissok said...

I'm a winter person as well. Mind you, winters where I live are incredibly mild. None of that white stuff falling from the sky.

It sounds seriously freezing where you're at. Definitely stay indoors and snooze weather.

Maggs said...

i can't stand the cold or lack of sunlight.

today is sunny and 65 but i'm trapped indoors