Saturday, January 07, 2006

Walgreens pharmacy SUCKS!!!

usually i dont have problems when i go to Walgreen's to get my meds, because for the most part i go online to their site and refill them from there. but today was one of the worst days ever to go and pick up/drop off my med scripts.

first of all the line for both the drop off and pick up counters was literally six to seven deep with pissed off customers. since this change in Medicare, a lot of the customers were finding out in the worst way possible that some of their meds were no longer covered, or they had to pay a hefty co-pay for those that were. my heart went out to those folks, especially some of the senior citizens. a lot of them were confused about the changes and some of the pharmacists were giving major attitude to those poor old folks.

when it became my turn to drop off my script for Klonopin, the pharmacist yanked it out of my hand and snapped, "name and address?" feeling my hackles rising, i snapped back with my name and address and said i would wait for my prescription. this muthafucka told me, "no. you will either pick it up later tonight or tomorrow." i was mad as hell by then and i said i wanted to speak to his supervisor. the supervisor came and talked to me like somebody with some sense and apologized for the rude behavior of one of the pharmacists, and about the long wait. that made me feel a little better. then i walked around the corner to the pickup window and stood there for like, 5 or 6 minutes. i know that bitch saw me standing there, and i was taking deep calming breaths to keep a lid on my temper. finally she says "have you been helped?" to which i replied testily, "um, nooooooooooo, that's why i'm standing HERE." she flippantly said, "ok and what's the name?" i gave her my name and address, and she found the meds. she rang me up and i THOUGHT i was gonna get my meds and go, but nooooooooooooooooo....she walked AWAY with my meds to go help somebody else! WITH MY MEDS IN HER HAND!

i had to wait 15 minutes before she FINALLY came back with my meds - both of them and rang me out. i was too thru. and the lines kept getting longer and longer, and the pharmacists were working at a snail's pace. if i had to have gone back to pick up my Klonopin, i'm willin to bet dollars to donuts those same people would STILL be there.

this is one of the many reasons that i dont like to be among people. i may forget who i am one day and bitch slap somebody with my cane.

Walgreen's pharmacy sucks!!!!


Sandi K said...

Girl I hear you there!!! WEnt to get my scripts day before yesterday.. over 200.00 and didn't get 2 of them...They said oh New Years pricing went up!!! WHAT THE ??
I went straight to the left one day on a pharmacist at Walgreens one year (as previously posted in my deleted file) I screamed at him that he better quit acting simple and give me my GDDMD meds... I said, LOOK ASSHOLE< YOU ARE DEALING WITH A FREAKIN MENTAL PATIENT AND YOU ARE SCREWING WITH MY EMOTIONS!!! I will not be held liable if I reach across this counter and pimp slap you.
He had the nerve to ask if he could speak to my husband. THEN I really went to the left. I told him that I didn't know how he talked to women in his country, but in THIS here country, there is such a thing as a HIPPA law, and unless he wanted to find his tires slashed he would deal with my crazy ass and give me the right damn medication.
WHEW, I feel better.


mizeeyore said...

Daaaaayum Sandi! i'm sure that pharmacist hurried up and gave you your meds PDQ! trust me, i was feeling myself about to lose it, but them deep breaths helped me to calm down.

Holla back now!

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Girl, I wouldn't have blamed you if you had gone back behind the counter to bitch slap those chumps.

I think some pharmicists make people wait in line just for a power trip.

Ugh, and having to go out and do that shit on a saturday!! I'm sooooo sorry that you had to endure such shit.

I don't blame you for not wanting to go out after such a time.

People don't understand how much harder it is for us to deal with ANY kind of stress, let alone shit like THAT!!!

I'm proud of you though for doing the deep breathing. That is the ONLY way I survive my brief outtings anymore. Oh yeah and thank the Universe for meditation (at least for me).

BIG HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marie said...

Genelle, I am so sorry you had such a bad experience while getting your meds. Off meds I would be like look bitch give me my shit and lets go. I hope you have better luck next time. Take care girlfriend. Hugs from Sin City. ((((((((((Genelle))))))))))

mizeeyore said...

J-Man: yes, deep breathing definitely helps, otherwise i do believe Chicago's Finest would have been summoned to remove my hands from around that pharmacist's neck LOL

Marie: LOL thank God i had taken my meds and remembered the deep breathing i learned in the partial hospital program. i usually refill my meds online, so all i have to do is go and get them. hugs back from Chi-Town

p.s. congrats on the new job and you got a kickass car too *smile*