Sunday, January 01, 2006

Kwanzaa Principle #7- Imani (Faith) and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! i hope all of my Blogger friends had a safe, pleasant, and wonderful New Year's Eve.

today is the last Principle of Kwanzaa - Imani (Faith). this principle has no religious affiliation; however, it embraces all beliefs. it also means having faith in ourselves, especially those of us who suffer from psychiatric illnesses, that we will keep on the road to recovery no matter how bumpy the journey may be.

Imani - Faith.

let's all hope for a better New Year and that 2006 will start off with peace, prosperity, good health and happiness.

Happy New Year!


Marie said...

It seems I do not have faith in much these days; that includes myself. I hope you had a wonderful new year. I will be posting my new year post after I recover from my hangover. Take care girlfriend.

mrshellonheels said...

stopping by to say Hello Hello Hello!! LOL.

mizeeyore said...

Marie: i'm looking forward to that post *smile*

Missus: and a gracious Hello to you too LOL

Squid: ROFL me too!