Friday, December 02, 2005

the 'hood version of "the Christmas Song"

Homeless hands
are warming
over an open fire
between swigs of
Wild Irish Rose
Old Crazy Carol
sleeps on a
bed of old tires
and the pimps
are collectin' money
and slappin 'round
their ho's....

all the winos know
Night Train, Thunderbird
8-Ball and Cisco
help them to
sleep at night
inside a cardboard box
bcus they
got no place else
to go
on a bitter cold
and wintry night

most of us
are poor
and wait for "check day"
because we got rent
and bills to pay
meanwhile a hungry child
begins to cry
watchin her mama
OD'd on tainted smack
and then die....

this is life
in the 'hood
from day to day
where folks
do what
they gotta do
to survive
yet you'll hear
the peeps say
many times
and many ways
"i thank God
i'm still alive...."

if anyone is offended by this parody of "The Christmas Song" i apologize. but i have to bring it to ya real. this is what goes on in my 'hood from day to day. for some, Christmas will be merry, with food, fun and gifts; for those who live in the 'hood as i do, Christmas will be just another day on the calendar thanking God we still here. personally i dont celebrate Christmas, because of my upbringing as a Muslim. though we do believe in Jesus Christ; we do not believe that he was born on the 25th of December. i know i'm gonna probably catch a lot of flak about this, but i have not found anyplace in the Bible where it specifically said that Christ was born December 25; on the contrary, historians of religion have said there is no true date as to when Christ was born, altho they have made educated guesses that he may have been born in one of the fall months, like September, but it is uncertain. but i digress.

anyway, as i have mentioned before, i do respect those Christians who observe Christmas as the birth of Christ. that is your belief, and i respect it. with the parody, i am only giving a honest view of life in many impoverished neighborhoods. it is not meant to be funny, it is meant to be REAL.


Nicole said...

How could anyone be mad at you? It's an honest look that most of us choose not to see.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

It's great Miz Thang. People out there NEED to think about those in need!

Hey, do you get on aol? If you do, please message me sometime - I'd love to chat!

My nick name on AIM is theinspiredcat.

Love ya Girl!
Take Care.

Sandi K said...

OH I am so giving you flak... flak flak flak... Shoot girl puleese. I can't even remember my own damn birthday half the time. I let my friend convince me one year that it was Oct 6. It is the 4th. LOL
I think that you should publish this one. It wasn't offensive... It was brutally honest. If the nation was ever ripe for main stream acceptance of this type of script, it is now in the wake of the Hurricane season... You should send this to Stevie Wonder. It would be an updated version of Village Ghetto Land. just a thought.

Sandi K said...

But then again... I might sing this one out loud and mix the track in Nat King Coles voice...

jane said...

That's a loaded post. I have known a lot of muslim friends so I have no problem whatsoever with your beliefs & sharing them; quite honestly, I welcome them.
This whole Christmas vs. Holidays thing going on though, people in the stores aren't really celebrating the birth of Christ, if they were, they'd stop being greedy & give to the least amongst them. They dont.
I don't follow any organized religion, nor do I believe the bible teaches what Jesus said. I think he may have said some of it, but not all. Certain things he DEFINATELY did not say.
When one is starving or poor, or unsafe in their own home. Cold because they can't afford heat or warm blankets...Santa coming down the chimney (if they even have one) can get lost behind the painful pangs of a starving stomache.
Our country has become something I never thought it would be. The gap becomes larger. It's like we're watching a fictional show & nobody gives a damn what our take is.
Sorry, I rambled.

mizeeyore said...

Jane: i agree with you 100 percent, and no you werent rambling lol. you were speaking the truth. Christmas has become so commercialized and as you said people have become greedy and want more and more and more, and what really pisses me is that during this time of the year, that's when people think of the poor, infirm, homeless. and it shouldnt be that way; why wait until a commercialized holiday to "remember the homeless"?

you're right. nobody gives a damn what our take is.

mizeeyore said...

Princess: hey, i'm just keepin' it real!

Colleen: i think so too. sowwy, i dont have AOL *sad face* but i do have Yahoo IM!

MsP: thank ya sis. you know me, i call it like i see it. btw, how would i get this to Stevie?

Squid: LOL!