Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Kwanzaa Principle #3 - Ujima (Collective Work & Responsibility)

Today's principle Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) is Kwanzaa Principle #3.

This means that in order to work together in unity in our communities, we must take responsibility for our actions - be it with family, friends, or within our communities. Taking responsibility to ensure that our children get their education, that we protect them from harm, and also look after our senior citizens and our elders.

Ujima - Collective Work & Responsibility


jane said...

Very interesting. I think Kwanzaa should be celebrated at least once a month. Can you imagine what a wonderful world this would be if it were? Thank you for providing this enlightening info.

dan said...

Is it just me or does Kwanza seem like it should be like, um, well, guiding principles for everyday life?

Of course, that is, until it gets Hallmark carded and corporatized.

mizeeyore said...

Squid: as usual you are a riot! btw congrats on the new gig, errr, job!

Jane: i agree.

Dan: actually these Principles are supposed to be used in everyday life; however, being the humans we are, a lot of people just look at the Principles as a "black thing" when actually it's a universal thing.

btw, Kwanzaa's already been Hallmarked, but the cards i've seen are very beautiful and stay in the spirit of Kwanzaa.