Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Kwanzaa Principle #2 - Kugichagulia (Self-Determination)

Habari Gani (what's the news)? well, on this second day of Kwanzaa the news is

Kugichagulia (pronounced "koo-gee-cha-goo-lea) which in Swahili, means "self-determination".

Self-determination means that in order to be a productive member of one's community, one should be motivated to succeed, regardless of whatever circumstances there are that could hinder progress. as in the case of those of us who suffer from various psychiatric illnesses, we must be determined to not let those illnesses rule our livelihoods.

Kugichagulia (self-determination).


dan said...

I know it's supposed to be a cultural holiday, but damned if everyone doesn't need a holiday to remind them of that.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

What a beautiful and strong principle!!

Anonymous said...

Jambo! This is my first Kwanzaa acknowledgement and celebration with my family. We are having a wonderful time. My daughters love dancing and playing the instruments and singing. We are indeed beautiful people. For so many years my diagnosis was all that I had. There was no recovery or wellness in sight. So now, due to my will, my ancestral protection and godforce blessings, I Am in recovery, in control and on my way to being even more responsible to receive many, many, many more oportunities and blessings. Let us reach HETEPU. One Love!

Vickey Finkley-Brown said...

Hey interesting conversation...check out my new blog Kujichagulia: An Experiment in Self Discovery...